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Hi guys!! I’m M.ª del Mar and I have been the journalist this week.

For that reason, I’m going to tell you what we have done each day of this week.


We started the task on Wednesday because on Monday we had a national holiday. Firstly, our teacher Linda explained us the task and we got down to work. We distributed the roles of the week and chose the type of headmaster that our star was going to represent. Then, some of us made a part of the candidate’s speech and others made an infographic with the main points of the speech. 

Ana and Rocío couldn’t stay present on that day, so we made Skype for explaining to them what they had to do. We didn’t meet in the afternoon but we continue our work independently.

On Thursday, we had the idea that we can share information leaflets and balloons and lollipops with the shape of a heart, and in this way, we transmit one of the values that our headmaster’s type pretend to transmit: love. Also, we create a suggestion box to represent our suggestion corner. So, some of us create the suggestion box and buy all the things that we needed and others made a cover for the information leaflets and added the infographic to it too.

Finally, on Friday, the presentation’s day, before the candidatures, we prepare the last details of our presentation blowing up the balloons and connecting them to the lollipops. Also, we saw the visits, likes and comments of every video of the last week, and the video most visited was the fireproofessor’s video. Out teacher Linda gave to them and to the video who won Eurovision contest an award!!! 

Then, we started the presentations and our classmates did really good candidatures. There was a different representation of all the headmaster’s types, from one more authoritarian and traditional to others more pacific and transformational.

Our star made an incredible presentation that leaves the rest of our classmates with no words. Congratulations Viki!!! If you want to see our star’s representation and all the photos of this week, we made a live video which is kept in our highlighted stories of task 9. I hope you like it! 


I'm going to talk about the most completed blog from the classroom; it is  Although they made the type of candidature most different to us because it was very authoritarian, their star made a really good presentation and represent her role so well. Congratulations!

Another interesting blog from outside is Here, you can k ow more about the different leadership styles and some tips that can be applied to education.

See you soon!!

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