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I’m Ana Gil García and I was born in Águilas (Murcia) a small seaside village, on the 6th of April 1999, so I’m a 18 years old girl.


Some of my favourites hobbies are: music (I play the flute in a band), hanging out with my friends, dancing...

I have studied in a bilingual college during all the ESO and Bachelor. When I finished the Social Science bachelor in IES Europa, I chose the Bilingual Degree of Primary Education as my first option. As a fact, I consider that is vocational my choice because of my mother, she is a teacher and I have always looked up to her.

To sum up, I would like to say that being able to communicate in other languages apart from ours, it is essential. We need to travel, maybe to work abroad, to communicate with other people and so on! 

I hope you enjoy our blog and see you in the next journal!! 

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