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Speech Viki

Hello everyone!! I am Vicky, one of the candidates for the future headmaster of this educational institution. First of all, I would like to ask you some questions…

Who among you have ever felt that your decisions were not being taken into account? Have your parents ever felt that your teacher was such as enemy? Have you ever felt that you don’t belong to your class and you don’t receive love? Well, if you have experienced some of these situations, don’t worry, because we will give you the solution.

There is still enough time to make the changes. By the way, I don’t want you to feel I’m superior because I’m not. I’m just one of the pieces of this machine and I need the rest. You are the rest. I understand how you feel sometimes but, If I don’t, at least, I try. I don’t want to promise you that all your desires are going to be reached, but at least, I will try it.

The main objective of this campaign is to create a school where decisions are free and accepted and where everyone has the freedom to participate in every activity that is being done. Among our moral values, we can find equality, inclusion, evolution, diversity, freedom, and love.

As it is not important what we say, it is important what we do, we want to share with you the projects that we will develop:

Firstly, it is being planned a diversity week during the school year, in which there will be several activities per day. Each day will be dedicated to a topic: we will focus on the different cultures that could be found between scholars, we will explain some functional diversities another day, the gender gap will be also discussed and so on… Our purpose is to encourage the inclusion and to make people feel that we are equal regarding rights, but different regarding characteristics and those make us special. For the same reasons, we want to develop a classroom for blind children by adopting the classroom and the materials to meet their needs. All of us have right to be educated and this school offers a chance to everyone, regardless of their peculiarities.

On the other hand, a solidarity market will be also held. Children can provide perishable food. It’s completely volunteer but with this idea, we try to transmit not only to students but also to parents and other people that take part in this, the values that our school supports. so we think that this is a great way to teach more than academic topics. We want to foster generosity and fellowship.

Because this is not our responsibility, another project is to make a suggestions’ corner. We know that there are diverse opinions or ideas about everything and we don’t want to impose anything as compulsory without taking into account others opinions. But we are not only talking about students or teachers, we include families and other staff of the school. We don’t want our people to feel timidness. We don’t want them to feel that we don’t care their thoughts, they are important for us to work. Please, who among you have you ever seen that your teacher was under the headmaster decisions like not being himself? This is the moment to start the change.

Related to shyness, students sometimes feel excluded in the group, or they have little fights in class. So, we propose that we could dedicate an hour per week to make ‘’book therapy’’. This is a relaxing and spiritual activity that motivate them to socialize, to imagine and to read. But beyond this, to share their feelings and open to other people. Students have to close their eyes and listen to a story where he or she is the main character and they try to imagine what happened there. Finally, they are going to share their feelings in the story with the rest of the class and through that, the rest of the people is going to know how he or she really feels. In that way, students would help them and they could solve any problem in their relationships.

Another issue that we think is very important, is the teacher’s academical formation. We would offer to all our staff plenty of courses that they would be able to do, such as one about emotional intelligence. We believe that our students deserve to be understood, and it is an essential requirement for them to learn. They need that the teachers create a great atmosphere, fulfilled with love and sympathy.

Support is important for students too, so we are working on a plan: from now on, smaller students will be provided with a tutor all along the school year. Their results will be checked by that person and they will receive feedback, so as not to let them fall apart. In addition, it will be voluntary for the oldest one.

Furthermore, teachers are not the only one who need to support students if they want them to succeed and be safe. Parents are too. So that is why we are proposing a day per month when parents will be invited to come inside our installations and to spend some time with their offsprings. They would be given the opportunity to participate together in several activities. Students need to feel that their parents care about what they do.

Finally, we want to announce you that as part of our evolution and in order to adapt to the new times, we want to be involved in the using of ICT. For that reason, our campaign we will be published on our blog and to show how we are implied in this initiative, we will also improve the classrooms for computer science with the aim of improving the students’ technological skills and of facilitating their rapprochement with the ICT.

In conclusion, this is the school that you deserve because of me, that I have been a student too, would have dreamt to be in a school like this where we are concerned about the best formation for everybody and we try to face all the changes presented. Because you, my students, can achieve everything that you propose with our help. Honestly, because I don’t like order and I dislike to be ordered too, What’s better than a system where everybody works in groups? Where is anyone better than another? Where are we worried about our values? Please, don’t forget what Howard G. Hendrick said ‘‘the education that leaves its mark is not the one from head to head, but from the heart to heart’’.

That has been all, thank you, everyone, for your attention.

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