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  • Writer's pictureteachersformation


Updated: May 20, 2018

Hi!!!This week we have research five types of relationships that are given in class. Later we made a theatre of each of these types:

Teacher-student connection.

The relationship between the teacher and the student is important and significant in the teaching and learning process as the attitude of the student toward learning depends, in part, on the teacher’s action. For that reason, the teacher should generate an effective learning environment and we will try to represent two opposite situations in this performance.

On the one hand, a teacher who hasn’t got knowledge about her students’ culture, who doesn’t encourage a collaborative environment for learners and who doesn’t respond their needs. In other words, an unable teacher to establish a positive relationship with the students. In contrast, we will show an effective mentor who meets many of the requirements. She is helpful, empathetic, and she accepts new ideas and learns from students.

Connections with peers.

Between changing subjects from one teacher to another, the group of leaders is dedicated to annoying an autistic girl although they do not know it. Every day she suffers attacks like: papers stuck on her back, take the chair off when sitting, glue on the chair...

The joke that has suffered today has been that they have hidden the case and have thrown it in the trash. She didn't say anything to the teacher and she let it go as usual. In the subject of Natural Science, the teacher Alicia has distributed the marks of the exams and she has failed it.

This is a clear example that the environment in the class and the relationship with your colleagues influences everything; In this case, in the marks.

Connections within the learning context.

The learning context is known as complex, so both students and teachers influence the way learning is achieved and could modify it. We are going to depict how students could influence others learning by this performance.

In this case, other’s students slowness to learn would cause the slowly learning of others, who would have to wait until the teacher explains again the subject matter to their mates and also, the laziness of one of the students would have a bad impact on others marks, as well as on their motivation, that is essential for learning effectively.

Connections beyond the classroom.

This performance is related to the topic because not only students must learn the subject that is given at school, but it can go further as in this case with the nutritionist who goes to class to explain in more detail the feeding. Also is important the relationship with the teacher or in this case the nutritionist, who has given feedback to the students with the different topics, so students pay more attention and show great interest. Their teacher was with a nutritionist, she explained that she had come to explain the food pyramid.

Once finished it, she gives them time to look for more information about that since they will do an activity afterward, it is about placing each food in the corresponding place of the pyramid.

Connections within learning.

In the class of history, the teacher is going to introduce the new unit: prehistory. During this class, the teacher is going to improve the connections within learning. To improve the individual learner, the teacher has prepared a brainstorming to do in class. But there is a problem, one of the student doesn’t know anything about this topic, so the punishment can also cause other unintended undesirable behaviors, a situation called backfiring. Punishment may also increase aggressive behavior and decrease self-esteem in the student who is being punished. The teacher decides to work by groups. Finally, an original group tells something that leaves the teacher speechless. As you can see, learning involves making connections between the previous knowledge, the experiences that we have had and the new concepts. This also can increase with a cooperative work; and with all of that, we can create new knowledge too.

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