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Good morning! I'm Andrea and I am this week's journalist. Here to see all the amazing stuff that we lived this week on #SOYER1718

The week started with our class on Monday, with a promise from Linda: an amazing Eurovision Contest that would take part in our Wednesday's class. We were all really excited, which means that we read the task carefully: we had to summarize the ten main points exposed in #porotrapoliticaeducativa, which is the basis of a new educational law. The mentioned summary wouldn't be in an ordinary way, such as a PowerPoint, for example (we couldn't expect different from Soyer), but we had to do a Stop Motion video that, later, we would have to present in class as if it was a Eurovision Contest (including the excited hosts), and we had to vote for the best Stop Motion in the class. 

My group and I divided the different roles and which parts of the job would do each of us: All of us would help in the production and recording of the Stop Motion, Maria del Mar and Elena would be the editors of the video and Bea would be the main character and we would represent her educational life with a strong message at the end: Don't dream your life, live your dream and build your education!

Everything was really well while we were doing the pictures for the video, thanks to our amazing organizations as a group, and the evening of work was really productive! The next day, on Tuesday, the editors focused on making a perfect Stop Motion with the objective of being the best of the class so we would get an award from Linda.  

Finally, the day of the contest arrived! We were a little bit nervous because of the big event, but we were also prepared to support our team, TEACHERS FORMATION.

Step by step, we watched the Stop Motion of every team, with its respective presentation by the host. Some of them were really surprising and funny. We want to highlight Diego's presentation, from Universal Teachers, who moved all around the class raising everyone's spirit, which made us be especially interested in seeing their Stop Motion. The rest of the host were amazing too, repeating some typical "jokes" of the Eurovision Contest. 

Actually, it was amazing and it reached our high expectations. To be honest, every single presentation and Stop Motion did. As well as our teacher Linda said, the creativity in this class is incredible and has no limits! We are happy for that as we consider it's something really important for a teacher. 

After every group decided their points in private, all the stars shared their result with the rest of the public, in which was one of the most exciting moments of the week. We all wanted to win, but there was only one champion, and those were... SPICE GIRLS!!! Their video was really entertaining and we could see all the hard work behind the scenes! CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS!!

To sum up, Linda told us that, the following week would be another group of winners... the ones that reach the highest number of views and likes on their Youtube video, so it's time for the campaign! Here you have the URL of our video:

Winning means the world to us, so please, check it and give it a like! 

Lots of love, 

Teachers Formation <3

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