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Hi! It’s Ana, this week I have been one of the stars of our group and I’m going to share my experience: 

At first, when I found out my role of the week I felt a bit scared, because whenever I had to make a class presentation I was quite nervous. On Monday, when Linda explained the task I felt very confident because our presentation would be about a theme to our choice. So, when we were thinking about that topic I shared the idea of doing it about “Facts of UK” with my team. 

I thought about this topic because at school, English has always been my favourite subject and I love to learn everything related to that culture. So, for me it was an easy topic to study and to expose. That does not mean that I wasn't nervous during the presentation. I really was, actually.  

To sump up, I would like to say from my own point of view that it was a good presentation, in spite of the mistakes. I’m sure that for the next time I will be able to manage better the nervousism and correct all the failures. 

I hope you have enjoyed our presentation and that you have learnt with us. Thanks you for your attention. See you in the next task. 

Ana Gil. 

Hi everyone! I’m Vicky and, this week, I have been one of the stars. 

I’m going to tell you how I have lived this task. Firstly, the task is composed of two parts, but I’m going to focus on one in which I was one of the presenters. It was a presentation about United Kingdom. I was accompanied by Ana, my classmate, so we distributed the information to be presented. 

Personally, I loved this part of the task because the topic was nice and enjoyable. For that reason, it was very easy to study. However, I was really nervous and I made some mistakes, not only in terms of theory or pronunciation but also talking about how to do a great presentation. Fortunately, Linda corrected them and told us some advices in order to improve the following expositions. I hope I will be able to manage the nerves and taking into account the advices for the next time because I’m sure I can do it better. 

Thank you for your attention. 

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